Well, another week later, and a lot has happened in just a few days. First I guess I will start with last weekend. One of my roommates went to Madrid with a friend for the weekend, so it was just me and Femke. On Saturday, we decided to head to some of the big supermarkets in the center of the city because we were looking for cheddar cheese and sour cream in order to make twice-baked potatoes. Apparently, cheddar cheese and sour cream are commodities here, because we went to four little supermarkets and the two big ones (roughly the size of a Kroger or something). We never found either of those ingredients, so we had to make due, but the potatoes still turned out pretty well. Femke had never had them, so she was incredibly excited to try them, which she thoroughly loved, so that made me happy.
On our way to the supermarkets though, we stopped in this little chocolateria, and we shared a plate of ¨churros con chocolate¨ which are these long fried pastry things. They give you a cup of liquid chocolate to dip them in...a truly authentic Spanish breakfast food. They were amazingly delicious, so I'm really glad I got to try them. They are in the the picture at the top.
After the supermarkets, Femke and I walked through one of the bigger parks in town, just because it was on our way home. It was really cool because it was like an oasis in a concrete jungle. I mean, it just really peaceful to see some trees and grass and dirt. Plus, they had peacocks in the park, which was awesome. They weren't in cages or anything, they could just walk wherever they wanted. I saw at least 20 of them, and one of them was even white, like completely white. Overall, I really like that park, so I think I will head down there sometime soon to take pictures and maybe do some reading.
So that was basically last weekend. Then, this week started, and it has been a stressful adventure to say the least. First, I had my group project due on Wednesday for my law class, so that was really stressful meeting with everyone and trying to finish the project. But, within that, I realized that I didn't need this law class. It doesn't fit in with my degree program at home (and not just because it is a law class, but rather because it is an extra class in general that I don't need). However, in order to keep some of my scholarships, I have to have at least 4 classes, so I can't drop it unless I pick up another one, which I have decided to do. My alternate class? History of the United States of America. No seriously, I think that is the class I am going to take. A little ironic, yeah, but it will be easier for me, and I will actually learn something useful instead of a bunch of legal jargon and laws that don't apply to my studies. I have emailed the professor, but he hasn't responded yet, so if he doesn't by Monday, I will just go by his office. True, it is late in the semester, but I think he will let me in considering my situation. Plus, the Spaniards have a different concept of time, so I think to them basically as long as I get in before the final exam, I can join the class!
Anyway, back to my group project. Once I found out I could change classes, I didn't stress too much about the project. But when we presented the project, the professor basically told us that we did it all wrong and that it wasn't what he was looking for. In my opinion he was kind of a jerk about it, because he interrupted us WHILE we were presenting, and he said it in front of the whole class. We had spent the better part of three weeks working on this project, so it wasn't because we didn't put in the effort. So, the professor is yet another reason why I wanted to change the class.
So, that has been my week so far, pretty exciting and stressful, but I am glad that it is over. I hate administrative red tape like figuring out whether or not I can drop a class, and having to talk to five different people about it (advisors, financial aid, study abroad coordinators, professors)...yeah, it's a real pain. Anyway, Remember that I am thinking of you all, and I will be home in 97 days! Yes, I'm keeping track. :) Take care of yourselves!
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